Thursday, December 01, 2005

LFS Profile for package user

Here is a page from LFS profile I created. It might help you modify the other pages. I'll put up everything shortly after I find a file host that doesn't mind hot linking.


Up and running, A happy system.


After My last attemp succeeded, I moved onto BLFS(didn't use profiles because this is my first BLFS attempt and I wanted to do it by hand.) My PC is happy and so am I. Initially I started with console only PC(mplayer and all). Then I needed firefox badly and installed X. No sweat here. I've put firefox and gaim in xinitrc and everything just worked. After a bit of probing from a friend, I finally gave in and installed XFCE. Now even my friends can use it.

Here is my package list(/etc/passwd)

There are a few more packages and things I wanna talk about, but later.